

David Dodd Lee’s “House Rules” from Doctored Book


We will accept submissions for issue 14 until April 30, 2023.  We publish poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, visual art,  but we’re especially fond of hybrids. That term encompasses form as well as content. We appreciate lyric essays, prose poems, flash fiction, collaborations, visual poetry, graphic fiction, literary fantasy, excerpts from verse novellas or verse biographies. 

The address for submission is glintsubmissions at When submitting, you should identify the genre in your subject line.  Prose poetry and flash fiction are usually considered with work that is identified as hybrid in nature unless otherwise requested by the contributor. Word documents are easier to work with during layout; however, if your poem or hybrid piece contains unusual lineation, you may also send a pdf file for me to consult if unusual coding is needed to satisfy your creative vision.

If you are submitting multiple items (poems, images, flash fiction), you can list multiple titles in the subject line, shortening the long ones in the subject line. Example: Willie Wordsworth “Tintern Abbey,” “Lucy Gray,” “Strange Fits,” “Fish-Women” Poetry.

Please do not submit more than six poems or 25 pages of prose at a time. Visual artists may submit up to six images, but they may also share links to their personal webpages if they want the editor to consider other options. 

You may send submissions in more than one genre. However, you should not send multiple submission batches in a single genre before we have had time to respond to the first batch. 

Glint accepts attachments in doc, docx, rtf, odt; jpg or png is preferred for visual submissions. However, multimedia creations are also welcomed (mp3s and video files), and we don’t mind simultaneous submissions so long as we’re notified if work is accepted elsewhere.

Please direct submissions to Dr. Brenda Mann Hammack. I will be compiling packets to submit to readers on the editorial board.  If you are sending a recent publication for possible review, send to Dr. Brenda Mann Hammack; Department of English; Fayetteville State University; 1200 Murchison Road; Fayetteville NC 28301. 

All rights will revert to the creators following publication, though we would like to be acknowledged should the work be reprinted at a later date.

We are willing to republish work that has appeared elsewhere, though we usually prefer that the original publication appeared in venues that do not receive wide circulation. For example, if your piece appeared in a student publication or in a print journal that may not be available to a global audience, we may be more likely to agree to reprinting and providing credit to the original publication. 

Glint is an annual publication. We do not receive funding; therefore, we only publish electronically and we can not afford to offer monetary payment. All staff serve on a voluntary basis.  

The journal typically publishes in December with status updates being posted on Glint‘s Facebook site as we near the release date.

Contributors who do not participate in social media are encouraged to query the editor about publication status.