Jeanne Shannon


Leaves on the Judas tree are a scumbled, cloudy yellow. The last dahlias
of summer linger. Wild amaranth and hedge bells droop and wither.

pepper scent
topaz sunset dazzles the quarrels of the windows


Evening air is wine in a cup of ivy-wood.


Sky sprinkled with chilly stars. The full moon rises, wheat yellow and fat.
Hunter’s Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, Moon of
Changing Seasons, Moon of Falling Leaves, Travel in Canoes Moon.


In the sky before dawn, the Moon and the Beehive cluster. Long ago,
stargazers saw the Beehive as a pile of hay surrounded by four donkeys, stars from the center of Cancer, the Crab.


October: its blue and puritan light. Its mango light. Sunset clouds glazed in
peachblow. Vermilion red of the cherry leaves.
Quinces, lemon-yellow now, half pear, half apple.


Friday, October 26, 2018: Venus lies between the Sun and Earth, a wire-thin


Samhain approaches. The veil between the Realms is very thin.


It is said that final destruction of Atlantis took place on the first day of
November, which is why All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day are so important in the calendar of the United States. We are like Atlantis was in those days.


He died in October because he did not want to face another winter. His wife  was in the garden, gathering the last roses. Frost was predicted. He had chosen his burial place.

Whippoorwills will sing my bones to sleep, will sing through snowfall and leaf-
fall and light and darkness, through golden summers yet to come.


Wild amaranth and hedge bells droop and wither.
The veil between the Worlds is very thin.
The veil between our Shadow and our Light is very thin.